Sarashi Ai, the COMPLETE TANK + Ero Ha Bungaku Sarashi Ai Gaiden [English, now UNCENSORED for the tank, 228 pictures], by ShindoL

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 58 comments

I find it hard to believe, 228 pages and I can only fap to two chapters of this manga.

I didn’t see that one coming :D
Thanks a LOT to Brolen, Desudesu, Fated Circle, and Setebos who commissioned and proofread it, and additionally, to Makasu, Nightscream, and possibly others :)
UPDATE : and now, thanks to Doppelganger, the COMPLETE manga is uncensored, WOOT ! ^_^

Here is the COMPLETE version of the TANK of Sarashi Ai, by ShindoL !
With, added, the bonus story, published outside of the tank, Ero Ha Bungaku Sarashi Ai Gaiden.

Now, to be frank, I feel disappointed, this manga is a let down. It starts okay, but quickly turns to mush, so much ahegao, no sense of dignity at all, meh! To each his own tastes of course, but, no, that was going too far even, enema, preggo final chapter ? Fuck that shit !
There’s one chapter that’s nice (3 highschool students, in love, with complications), and one GREAT chapter, called Barrier Free. Barrier Free comes second in the chapters order, and it brings grace to a manga that was just braindead heartless porn, like a blessing you didn’t expect =)

(For MORE works by this genius, Cf. The List of ALL of ShindoL’s Works !)

Complete pictures galleries :
Sarashi Ai
(that’s the main piece, 202 pictures long), and
Ero Ha Bungaku Sarashi Ai Gaiden
(a short bonus side-story, published outside of the manga)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(82 MB, 228 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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14 years ago

what is ahegao btw? couldnt find it in your glossery or on wikipedia lol

14 years ago

Ahegao is usually when the girl is fucked so hard and in so much pleasure that her face 'breaks' (tounge out, eyes dazed, etc)

This is fantastic tank. Thank you so much.

14 years ago

AHHHHHHHHHH and boom goes the dynamite. Oliver, you have just made my day. Thank You, and a big thanks goes out to Brolen, Desudesu, Fated Circle, and Setebos. Round of applause… Bravo!!! Bravo!!!

14 years ago

Is it me or is one of the files in the pack broken?

14 years ago

CRC error on extraction from the hotfile mirror

Sarashi Ai #15 to be specific.

14 years ago
Reply to  DWKnight

same here. page 15 too. i just downloaded it from the gallery though.

14 years ago

Oliver, sorry for this but i have to ask you a thing.

Sometimes, not in this case, i notice your share has a less size than other source, maybe original too.
I mean, not difference of 1mb, but sometimes much more. I'll try to find some more specific example, but you can explain why ?
You use a more efficient program to compress the files ?

Btw ALL the files here are in their ORIGINAL resolution and never retouched, right ?

For example: Purimu No Nikki vol.1 by Nico Pun Rise
Your share size: 89 Mb
Tadanohito share size: 124 Mb

14 years ago

What you said. I really liked the first chapter for capturing a certain brand of innocent perviness that I find particularly attractive: the main story of Kimi No Hotomi Ni Koi Shiteru for example.

However, as time went on, the story devolved from "The otherwise-normal girl with a weird fetish and the guy who loves her for what she is," to "Hi! I'm ShindoL, and I'm here to see how much s***, metaphorical and literal, I can throw at you."

Otherwise, the standalone stories were just as good as I remembered, and it's nice to have a tank version of them. Here's to the weird scatological stuff not infesting the rest of a great creator's future work.

14 years ago

love it, Eat it, fuck it, cum it
that all i want to said

14 years ago

after i just downloaded the 3 chapters posted before, this suddenly appears, nice. but who cares about spilled milk? this is great! thanks!

14 years ago
Reply to  ragebolt

after reading….dissapointment rush! but still, thanks for the better scans of the 2nd chapter. :D

14 years ago

oh my god it's finally here

Ai Lover
Ai Lover
14 years ago

Sarashi Ai is so much funny in the first two chapter,
She masturbates in the classroom and when she working in the restaurant while some shota kid watching her,
Now I wonder what she will do this time?
Thanks Oliver been waiting for this

14 years ago

Many thanks to Brolen, Desudesu, Fated Circle, and last but certainly not least Setebos for getting this tank and the extra chapter completed. I'll admit that some of the themes in this were more extreme than usual for most of ShindoL's works. I am a hopeless pervert though, so I didn't really mind those parts at all. I know you were bothered by them Oliver, so I thank you for your willingness to share them here anyway.

14 years ago

Awesome post. Many thanx Oliver, Brolen, Desu, FC and of course, surprise surprise, Setebos.

Afro Thunda
Afro Thunda
14 years ago

Considering the stuff he did as DA HOOTCH, a couple of chapters towards the extreme spectrum is nothing. In any case though, I've never been known to be picky with the content in my H-Manga. So where there's a person that will complain about a chapter not being up to their expectations because of the content, I will be the guy saying, "I'm so glad he put this in here! It's pure gold!". That's just me though.

Anyway, thanks a lot, Brolen, Desudesu, FC and Setebos, for bringing just another piece of awesomeness to the H-community. I eagerly await ShindoL's next works.

14 years ago
Reply to  Afro Thunda

I'm totally the same!
Especially since it didn't contain any NTR, H-Rape or Mindbreak.

Thx's big time to all involved parties yet again.

14 years ago

It wasnt half that bad. I like it :)

14 years ago

i think the pack is broken:
! D:DownloadShindoL,_Sarashi_Ai_ (,_Tank_AND_Gaiden).zip: CRC failed in sarashi_ai_tank _www.hentairules.net_015.jpg. The file is corrupt

page number 15 cant be extracted thanxs :)

14 years ago
Reply to  sikorumbe

I got the same error message. I *think* I used the hotfile link for this one. I might try the others to see if they work or not.

EDIT: I just tried it with SharingMatrix and got the same error message. :(

14 years ago

yeah 15 is bleeped

14 years ago

Thanks Oliver, Brolen, Desudesu, Fated Circle, and Setebos. This is pure awesomeness.

14 years ago

the main picture, with all the 3 girls, where is it? cause i cant find

14 years ago

Oliver, pls. fix page 15

Me too
Me too
14 years ago

This style like Takeda Hiromitsu.

14 years ago

was wating for ages to see this fine work finally fully translated
thx setebos for getting all the chapters together and even comissioning the extra gaiden chapter not in the tankoubon
as allways kudos to your dedication

Autumn Fox
Autumn Fox
14 years ago

Hey there, Oliver. Autumn Fox here. If you'd be so kind to convoy this message…

Google removed and suspended my account. And i do not feel like doing everything again.

As of 12/07/2010 Hentai Comic Books is officially closed. I would like to thank all of the people that i have met, that helped me and supported me (Ater Vulpes, TheBest F-22, Dr Demento and others).
It's been a great couple of years.

Over and Out

14 years ago
Reply to  Autumn Fox

First sorry to hear that google starting to suck big time :/

Second You might want to check ryuu from hes giving free hosting to the Translators/Editors /De-censorers with a blog format if you're interested.

And as about the topic another fine H-Manga right there, thanks to everyone involved (Nightscream is decensoring it, in case he won't do the whole book i'll take over^^)

14 years ago

BTW Oliver, there is hentai manga author battle at Fakku. Have you seen it?

14 years ago

the first chapter was really good, second a bit worse but third is a dissapointment – it looks really badly drawn compared to other chapters and is pretty disgusting and pointless – but who knows maybe Japanese dig that more?

14 years ago

I actually really liked all of the chapters of this book; just in different ways. The preg and enema thing is a total wood killer for me but by the time I read those chapters I was really interested in Aoi and Noda as characters, and I think that those chapters are important in their story. Even though I am not aroused by those acts, I found the chapters to be rather heart warming because the love and emotion that was so evident in the characters.
I like the themes that Shindol explores in his manga. I like the way that just because Aoi's kinky doesn't mean that she's willing to cheat on Noda. I like the way that just because Noda is dominant in the relationship it doesn't mean that he's going to abandon Aoi when she becomes pregnant, or force her to get an abortion.
I've been viewing this site for about two years and this is the first comment I've left. That in itself should tell you how excited I am by this manga and I hope that it sparks a renaissance in hentai.

14 years ago

By the way I'm surprised to discover that ShindoL is american ! More informations about him ?

14 years ago

According to the profile on his webpage, ShindoL was born in New York City. For those who are curious, here is a link:

A lot of the stuff there is in Japanese, but if you click on the Profile tab, all that info is in English.

14 years ago

Thank you both :)

14 years ago

i want to see this uncensored :'(
thanks for the post

14 years ago
Reply to  UncensoredFan

Nightscream is in the process of decensoring the whole thing. I'm sure Oliver will be posting the uncensored version once it is completed.

13 years ago

Dude, i fucking love this one!

13 years ago

Hey for the kind information of everyone, I'd just like to point out that the second download mirror leads to filesonic and not sharingmatrix!! Happy fapping!! LOL…

13 years ago

my favorite artist and manga in one pack?

thank you sooo much oliver :P

13 years ago

I actually read and highly recommend this book. This book has balance, just the right blend of weird, funny, and heat in the sex scenes. The painted on clothes she wears is a work of art.

Thanks for the upload.

12 years ago

links broken

12 years ago

This post is not in the redirect page of Shindol, too. I think you should update the redirect page. Thank you.

12 years ago
Reply to  pkhanh

ShindoL is in my open tabs of redirection pages I should be doing, but keep neglecting to start.

12 years ago

Since you asked so nicely :V

12 years ago
Reply to  pkhanh

Now that I've actually started working on this, I can say "this post is on the redirect page". The other one you reported and Library Talk are not, however.

It's named "Sarashi Ai, the COMPLETE TANK [English, 228 pictures] + Ero Ha Bungaku Sarashi Ai Gaiden".

I'm partially done, I'll finish the rest tomorrow. (Just need to change most of the links to include the cover page and make sure the top is in chronological order.)

11 years ago

Whouhou j'attendais cette version, je pourrais faire des modifications dans ma collection.

11 years ago

A heads up for folks who are new to this, Ero wa Bungaku is chapter 2 of TSF Monogatari (already shared here on 2011-09-18).

11 years ago

delicious work!!!!!!!