Sex Friend episodes 1&2 (hentai anime) – STREAMING

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 13 comments
in Categories: English Translated, Movies

As I said, i’ll be adding streaming preview versions for my hentai movies, this time this is for Sex Friend, Episodes 1 & 2. The original video contains both english and japanese audio and optionally english subs, I will soon discover what the flash video conversion kept of those settings :D

Sex Friend Episode 1

17th July 2007 update : updated the code, if it still fails with IE, please, tell me in a comment…
If you don’t see Episode 2 window, you need to click the “open the complete post” link ;)

Sex Friend Episode 2

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17 years ago

WOW !!! this is soooo damn coooool !!!! good job guys ^^

Satisfied Person
Satisfied Person
17 years ago

Thank you for doing a great service to the people around the world for collecting these great classics. Truly, you are a person who actually cares about what people need.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago


Thanks ^^

17 years ago

how do i get it in English sub ?????

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

@ Zelight : you need a video player that will be able to know there are subtitles.
That can be for windows the Media Player Classic. For Linux that could be Kaffeine. For Windows, Mac and Linux, the VLC (video lan client) is also able to do it.
In those players, right click anywhere in the picture, and you’ll see there is an audio and a subtitles menu. When there is the choice for the audio track, the audio menu will show to options, english and japanese. When there is the choice for the subtitles, the menu will give choice between no subtitles and english, and french, and korean, all depending on what subs are embedded ;)

More complicated solutions would imply having direct vob sub installed into windows, that is a subprogram that loads when you play a video and that directly plugs into the video the subtitles it autodetects.
Better go for a fitting video player.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Alex : well, it seems to be working again, streaming for episode 2…

Lost : the “open complete…” link appears for people who have not opened the complete blog note but see only the summary, that happens when you browse hentairules page after page.
And that was for the people who would not see the full post that I told seeing the full post was required to see the episode 2…
I hope that is clear, I don’t know if I could have understood that if I weren’t the one who wrote it :D

17 years ago

where is the open complete post link ?

17 years ago

stream 2 dead!

17 years ago

is there any way we can download this, or for you to direct us to your source?

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago
17 years ago

T_T I love you Oliver.

Lol this site is in my list of Greatest H-Sites….its even bookmarked. ;) Keep up the awesome uploads Olly.

15 years ago

why is it removed

14 years ago
Reply to  zzz

wondering the same thing, but there are other places you can get this so not really a big problem