Hot Tails [English, Re-scan with an excellent quality and resolution, 351 pictures, hilarious !], by Yui Toshiki

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 9 comments

Here is the re-scanned, high quality, high resolution version of Hot Tails, by Yui Toshiki.
Until yesterday, I only had my ooooold low-rez version of Hot Tails, and honestly I didn’t like it very much. The high quality re-scan version changes everything ! The manga is ten times funnier, ten times more exciting !

Hot Tails rules !

It’s like I discovered again Hot Tails… And boy, what a discovery ! :shock:

Superbly drawn, wonderfully luscious faces, hardcore drawings, extremely hilarious situations, happy sex, the artist showing an unstoppable imagination… That’s a masterpiece when you can read it in high quality :twisted:

Even if you didn’t appreciate the old crappy scans everybody has, take a look again :o

(I share more stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Yui Toshiki’s works…)

More reasons to read it again ?
The manga is packed with surrealist landscapes, exotic, impossible and strangely familiar, potentially hazardous, and yet, that are temptating, in which you’d love to drown yourself… If you’re a futa fan, there are some futanari chapters, and even if I’m not a fan I reckon they’re of exceptional quality, on par with Shiwasu No Okina’s futa works, or with Haniwari… Talking about Shiwasu No Okina, I never noticed before, in Hot Tails too we can witness 3 teens playing with a detachable penis, like in Sei So Tsui Dan Sha :lol: More absurd things ? How about a talking dick, or a horny Father Christmas and his horny “womanified” reindeer pal ? Lastly, there’s that wonderful atmosphere, when fucking is only natural and easy and not something so complicated, when women can show so wonderful “glow” expressions after sex…

With 351 pictures, the pictures gallery has been split in 2 :
Pictures Gallery part 1 – and – Pictures Gallery part 2
Or view the backup gallery, split in 3 : part 1 – and – part 2 – and – part 3

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(91 MB, 351 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

The very last part of the manga, Hot Tails Special, hasn’t been re-scanned unfortunately, so it stays as in the original first scan.

Small bonuses :3

– First, what happens the first time lesbian action meets a futa ?


– Second, one of the most astoundingly beautiful hentai pictures I ever saw. My personal tastes only, of course, the fact is I was stunned the first time I saw it in this new re-scanned version :shock:

one of the most stunning hentai pictures

– I wonder how many people will have read this post till that part :twisted:

easter egg !

Easter Egg ! Free temporary Depositfiles account !

I’ll be giving, from times to times, the codes for temporary Depositfiles gold accounts. That’s a facility Depositfiles has given to the uploaders, the more downloads our files make, the more free accounts we are allowed to offer.
Here’s how it works : you create yourself a depositfiles account (not a paying account, a free one !), there will be a “points” menu, go in there, and enter this activation code, without spaces before or after the code :

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Be fast ! A code works once and only once, and there are many people visiting hentairules !
If you read “This Key has been already activated!”, this is too late, the code has already been used by someone else.

Last note : it is useless to activate more than one code yourself ! The accounts start the second you click “activate”, if you activate 3 accounts, there will be no change, your account will be a Gold account until the longer-lasting code expires, period. The shorter-living codes will have been activated for nothing.

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15 years ago

All three download links (main and both mirrors) are broken; the error messages are all basically the same thing: variations of ‘no such file’.

15 years ago

Wow: that was a quick fix for the broken links! Thanks. :)

I just found your site a few days ago, and I’m really impressed. You’ve got a lot of great material here, and you obviously put a lot of hard work into gathering content and maintaining the site.

15 years ago

Again? Is this easter egg old or is it new, because if it is new, all of them has been taken and no one said thank you. Well I have something to say, thank you Oliver for taking the time to reupload all the dead links, I download them even though I might have downloaded them already. With the main deposite file link.

13 years ago

Wow! Thanks for this Classic hentai, Oliver ^^.

12 years ago

Thank you. You are helping restore the great treasure of the Age of Legends. May the light shine for ever!

12 years ago

BIG THANK YOU! hehe, first hentai stories I read around 1999.