Hiyoko Brand hentai doujinshi [English] My Wife Is A High School Girl, by Shiwasu No Okina
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A Shiwasu No Okina day is a good day, YAY ! 8-) Here’s a graphically superb hentai manga by my beloved SNO, full with schoolgirl fucking *drools* Fair warning (troll : for those who prefer mother incest with a 10 years old kid or rapist tentacle monsters) : this story contains adultery. Personally, I couldn’t care less, fortunately ! |
(I share MUCH more stuff, Cf. The list of ALL Shiwasu No Okina’s works)
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I had a powerful déjà-vu feeling, I just found where it came from. The female heroin’s face and tits, the male husband’s face, that really strongly reminded of Hiyoko Brand Not you ?
UPDATE : finally, this wasn’t just a feeling, I was right This is indeed a Hiyoko Brand doujin, or, by its real name, an Oku-Sama Wa Joshikousei doujinshi
I’m guessing this is a doujin for the anime of the same name?
This looks great – thank you !
This author really likes this type of scenario…But i can’t deny that if you ignore the story, it’s good fapping material.
Well, yeah, but where am I supposed to go for my tentacle incest needs?!
wait! this site has tentacle porn!?!
what do you mean by tentacle incest, is there any tentacle that really do incest?
Can’t believe I read this shit trough. Feels like it ruined my whole day. Posting mangas with these kind of shitty scenarios should be considered as a crime. Can’t fap to this.
I agree with anon I just end up feeling bad for the guy and not fapping
This one isn’t as bad as Educating The New Wife since the hubby in this case is seeing the slut come out of his wife and can choose to do something about it when (or if) he comes out of catatonia. Plus, if I understood the comic correctly, he was becoming catatonic to begin with.
In Educating’s case, the adultery is going on behind the husband’s back whilst the wife is being completely two-faced about it and claims love for the cuckold. Plus the story makes him out to be a good man.
So to resume: Desevered adultery (abusive husband) = good, Undeserved adultery = trash.
This one does appear to the a doujin of Okusama wa Joshikousei, i looked at the 3 display pages to see, it was a great anime, but as i looked at the pages, it seems without a scenario this is yet another Doujin i’m not gonna read, i liked the anime and it was really good, and frankly from what i’ve seen what happens will just screw it all up…so this one is a no go for me
There is a shoujo manga titled “Faster than a Kiss” (Kisu Yori mo Hayaku) by Meca Tanaka which has the same core scenario as Okusama wa Joshi Kousei – teacher/student marriage being kept secret.
Difference in Faster than a Kiss is the teacher/husband was a boss of delinquents in high school before becoming a model teacher, and the student/wife has a preschool-age brother and no adult relatives. They get married so the girl and brother won’t be stuck living on the street and turns into true romance from there.
That was EASILY the most fucking depressing thing I’ve ever read. Love can go straight to hell, and a giant dick is super entrancing and is helplessly addictive. Thanks a fucking lot Japan, you make me feel so good about myself.
Tch yeah I’m sure japan makes you feel great. if they make you feel that crappy, why don’t you send a message to them to stop making hentai. Idjit. That’s like a quarter of my stash magically disappearing.
And to everyone else, it says it contains adultry so if you have enough time to read the scenario, then you should at least read the description Oliver has told us.
Lol and I hope this doesn’t turn into the ‘great debate’ like educatig a new wife became.
Anyways, thanks Oliver for uploading this!
Thanc Oliver, but this one is not Shiwasu No Okina in his best (not even in his good).
Basically people, it all comes down to fetish.
Some people like Rape, some dont. Some like Loli, some dont. Some like Guro/scat – guess what? some dont. Personally this clicked the switches for me, but i realise that adultery/partner stealing isnt everyones personal choice of fap material.
Considering I rate Yamatogawa’s IMP, Educating new wife, and this as the same basic scenario (someone ends up stolen emotionally from another due to fantastic sex) and they’re my 3 favourites from this site I know which fetish I prefer from the hentai world.
And you know what? I’ve actually seen this happen IRL to my best mate, and been really pissed at his (now-ex) for wrecking his and their little girl’s life – and I would never do anything like this myself. That still doesnt mean that in the hentai world it won’t turn it on.
So to end it, lets all agree to disagree on whats the best scenario out there cause theres a lot to choose from. Find what is best for you and comment your appreciation onit, and if something you dont like turns up, quietly ignore it, or politely state your disapproval.
PS Thanks for the post Oliver!
@24/7 Otaku,
Well said and my sentiments exactly. Know what you like and don’t like, read the description of the work, keep your negative comments to your self, or at least a polite minimum, if you happen to go ahead and read something against your better judgement. We just need to accept we all have different tastes and agree to disagree.
I really like this artist, I don’t like the genre. I haven’t read this and don’t plan on it. Thanks for posting this Oliver, I hope those that like NTR enjoy a great artist.
*Much applause over 24/7 Otaku’s post*
My quick opinion: If you like this sort of thing, good for you, you have something new to enjoy. If you don’t like this sort of thing, well, there is plenty of other stuff out there, delete this one and move on. But please don’t piss and moan about how you hated it or couldn’t fap to it. Just keep your cool and wait for Oliver’s next release, which will probably be something amazing that you will enjoy.
the tittle itself is same with 1 anime…
Easy now, there is no need for name calling. Jesus I was just kidding. It is hard to convey sarcastic whining over the internet, so I don’t blame you. I didn’t care for it, it’s not a big deal, lets all just move on. Idjit… That’s gonna ruin my day
i prefer mother incest with a 10 years old kid or rapist tentacle monsters to this one
Oh wow. I hadn’t realized hentai had words. I thought those were just random squiggly censor strips that missed the mark. o_O
Whoa rarely read a story that dumb.
“any bonus info will be welcome!”
I translated it, along with some of the other uncredited works on your site:
the name of the doujin is “Okusama wa Tora Chi Kousei”. something like “my wife is a foolish high school tiger”
“my wife is a high school girl” is the ecchi manga/anime it’s based off.
this scenario is getting really old, really fast…
This scenario is more like the one where the husband wanted to do a spouse swap. It was basically consented by the husband so more than the wife being bad the husband is an utter dumbass.
Try this link it is to the original manga, wich I find quite arousing. The anime had no nipples, but this does.
Various replies :o
– @ Darknight : so it was you the translator ? THANKS ^_^
I’d suggest you add a credits picture, a credits file, or a watermark on one of the pictures, don’t you think ? You do deserve credits, you know
– @ Kentax : nice link for those who need it, thanks ! I think I have more Hiyoko Brand translated chapters on my hard disks, I’ll have to investigate, that might be worth sharing, after all…
– Everyone else who shared links to Hiyoko Brand and Oku-Sama… Thanks a lot too
That’s reassuring, so it was not just a déjà-vu feeling, it REALLY was a doujin of that serie 
– about the “depressing adultery” debate, this is just like “24/7 Otaku” said. Personally, even if I love happy sex between consentant characters, I can distantiate myself enough from an adultery story and just enjoy the quality sex drawings. Not everyone can distantiate themselves, so when I precise there is adultery, please stay away from it if you feel you’re going to be hurt :o
thank you sir for uploading these various hentai, i do enjoy most of them, and i do agree that we should avoid the manga if it's against our taste, but sometimes, i just happen to pick put one or two uploads based on the looks of the art quality, and if it looks good i don't bother reading the description until after i want to punch the monitor . so i know it's my fault obviously, but i don't hate adultery per-se, just the adultery where you feel really bad for the guy getting cheated on, like this one, educating a new wife, confessions from behind…, oh and that one other MTSP one that came in the 6 pack with the Fate Stay Night doujins, the one where she forsakes her friend for the old dude after he drugged her and she ended up with him…
this one http://www.hentairules.net/2010/09/06/pack-of-6-h…
Oh, and I edited this page with the correct credits information and reference to the serie from which this is a doujin
Woot? So if I’m not into adultery I like “mother incest with a 10 years old kid or rapist tentacle monsters”? What kind of stereotype is that?
All link seems to be down for me (to be more precise: they all work but when I download the files, my computer tell me that there extension type is invalide or other things like that) . Is there another way to get it? Thanks.
i have a tentacle in my ass
Ouch !