A feast for the Shining Musume fans : The Overlook Shining Musume Character Pack Version 2 (English, 107 pictures)
With many thanks to Iznogoud who sent me the link to this guide, here is something that is bound to please all the Shining Musume fans I also have to thank Overlook, a fine scanlator who took on some recent works by Shiwasu No Okina, for he realized it :o
(more details follow in the full post, they take a lot of space)
(For MUCH more stuff, cf. The List of ALL Shiwasu No Okina’s Works !)
This Character Pack is a gold mine, it contains great color hardcore art (various drawings and 60 trading cards), but also fa-sci-na-ting pictures associating the real Musume girls (Shining Musume is a parody of average j-pop groups, the Morning Musume) to their hentai adaptations… And there are loads of other bonuses !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(19 MB, 107 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Here is the complete list of the contents :
This release contains:
– Photos of the members of Morning Musume, a real idol group, and Matsuura Aya.
– Translated “character files” (from different sources) for each fictional character in Shining Musume (with the exception of Yoshiwaza and Chamigawa, files for whom I have not come across).
– Cover inserts for fictional CDs, Shining Mania 1 and Perfect Honey, translated, cleaned and decensored by Overlook, with added character names for newcomers.
– 64 character trading cards. A complete set, as far as I know, courtesy of a generous Anonymous.
– A copy of “The Overlook guide to those hard-to-translate interjections every eromanga reader should know!”
– A mousepad featuring the girls of the Sixth, used as the background of the guide.
Once again, my thanks to Overlook for realizing it, this is a marvelous and really useful work
Yeah he really knows his stuff. By the way, recaptcha isn’t up.
this is my favourite artist by far. thanks, Oliver!!
Many thanx Oliver.
has anyone noticed the girl has an interesting medical condition, a curved shin, as well as the ballerinas ankle.. o wait i forgot your guys all focused on the dick.
Did you deleted a few updates just now?
Just wondering if you have been able to get the complete shining musume series? At least the English translated ones? Just curious. Thanks for sharing what you have.
Thank you very much Overlook, and Oliver, for sharing this great pack !
Much indebtedness to you both ! 
Glad you guys liked it
To reply to your other comments
– Mysnomer : recaptcha generated lots of false positives (correct comments sent to the spam box and requesting a painful sorting by my hand), so I’m replacing it with another antispam plugin.
(and 96 successfully removed spams)
So far so good, in 3 days, there has been ZERO false positives
– Blaatschaap : I didn’t remove recent updates, however, seeing as in my download stats this overlook guide made lots more downloads that all my “same day” shares put together, so I pushed this post on top of the day’s posts, to give it even more visibility. Yeah, I like to make big stats ^^;;
In comparison, the 3 other posts of that day seemed to have disappeared, they were before, they moved after.
– Cheery : Yep, some drawings are anatomically weird. No helping it :/
– Spartan : obviously not, otherwise I’d have posted it already :/
Bah, it’s hentai. I can live with it not being 100% anatomically correct, I mean I doubt many people could bend the way hentai characters do or take some of the dicks the size these girls do in real life.