Touhou hentai doujin [English] : Eirin no Kusuri, by Shimoyakedou
Usually I don’t like futa, but this time I loved it, there’s a bunny girl, happy sex and humour =)
There’s not much of a scenario, but it’s a wonderful breeze of happy sex and “enjoy the spurt of the moment” (I have the vague sensation I made an orthographic error somewhere, but maybe not !) feelings, starting as yuri hentai, continuing as futa hentai. Enjoy ! ^_^
Oh, and if you know who to thank for the translation, please let me know ?
For MOAR, See the list of my shares by Shimoyakedou / Ouma Tokiichi!
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"Enjoy the spurt of the moment", I'm rather satisfied by this pun, I must say
Theres also another Touhou Shimoyakedou doujin out in english called Dance of the Butterflies. Very good as well
Don’t worry Oliver, soon you too will understand the greatness of futa.
The turning of this one has been a taxing task but soon he will become my new champion
Great post. Many thanx Oliver.
Thanks, Oliver. Looks pretty good.