Ragnarok Online hentai doujin [English] : War Guild’s Rests 2 [English, in High Resolution and Average Resolution versions], by Mushiringo

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments
An EXCELLENT RO doujin :)

I daresay I loved this Ragnarok Online doujin a whole lot :D

This is a fine Ragnarok Online doujin, with lots of humour (a Ninja-class having a nosebleed, while his nose and mouth are still muffled in black cloth… lol, and it’s just one example), nice drawings, and an enticing female heroine, the calm composed burning type :3
Thank you very much, Biri and Afro Thunda ! :)

The heroine gave me a strong impression of familiarity… until I remember THAT (source.)

I know that not everyone loves reading 3000 px++ high pictures on their monitors, as an old poll confirmed my intuition about it, so if you care, I added (no replacement, an addition, OK) another version of the doujin to zip archive I’m sharing, with the pictures resized to only 1500 vpx. I used those smaller pics in the pictures gallery.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(34 MB, 27 High Res + 27 Average Res pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

If you haven’t played Ragnarok Online, I can clarify you the story. During a few hours per day, Ragnarok Online players can play Player VS Player battles, instead of fighting boredom EXPing against CPU-controlled monsters in dungeons they know by heart.
The key to those moments are the guilds, and the castles. You cannot battle against guild members, and to get a castle, a guild has to break the Emperium hidden in the heart of a castle, a huge gem. Once a guild member breaks it, the castle belongs to the guild, and the guild does whatever she can to keep the castle to herself, since owning a castle (being the owner when PVP ends) means keeping the castle and the rare precious loot it offers, plus its guild-only dungeon providing better exp.

That is to say, when your guild owns a castle, everyone camps 2 rooms before the emporium room, spamming blindly offensive spells at the entry door, while archer-assassin-tanks stroll the castle to elimine weaklings and know what’s coming. O god, that was SO boring as a wiz, in the end I bought tons of super-expensive super-HP-recovery potions (my wiz was loaded with cash, I played the merchant with reasonable talent), and then I played solo against bewildered opponents not understanding why a weak-constitution wizard was unable to die, lol :lol:

(old Iro Players, does Novae Inflammo sound familiar to anyone ? Nostalgia~~~)

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13 years ago

You sure did love RO. I'm sure I'll love this doujin. :)

Thanks Biribiri, AfroThunda and Oliver.

13 years ago

The girl in this looks awesome. Thanks for sharing this Oliver.

13 years ago

ohh she's one girl you can't underestimate that's for sure ;) otherwise you'll end up like the two, begging for help haha. ohh and love the classic nose bleed, made me chuckle.

Thanks for sharing Oliver

13 years ago

love it :D

Oliver you rock :P

13 years ago

damn… i miss my SinX

13 years ago

Meh, I stopped playing RO when it became a super elitist game. People having a PC for harvesting, another one for MVPing, another one for PVP and the last one for Emperium Wars…
Utra specific characters for only-one-purpose and when you try to make a party… meh.

However, the game was good. I liked to take my time making lots of quest, because the history of the quest was very important if you want to understand wat's happening in the three reigns. But "gamers" and "pros" onle see two things: exp and loot. ¬¬

That made me leave the MMORPG and return to de "pen and paper" RPG. A bunch of friends with our PC and the manuals and dices. For evrerything else, Mastercard.

13 years ago

ROFL i came online today with a sudden fetish for ragnarok. scroll down the 1st page and bam, there it is HAHA

13 years ago

dude, do you want the other (i think 7) volumes of this for translation?
i got them ages ago, but my ability in understanding moonrunes is still lacking.

feel free to drop me a line in case you are interested

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  luschi

Thanks for the offer, but me, I'll skip :)

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