No Spite [English], by Doi Sakazaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Hey, wait, where are the lulz, for fuck's sake ?!?

Doi Sakazaki’s strongest points are not his drawings, even if they can be absolutely gorgeous at times, no, in my opinion, it’s his wacky crazy storylines and his characters’ rude & spicy way of talking.

All that to say that I’m disappointed in the work I’m sharing here (still, thanks are for Super Shanko and Ibeline). On the good side, there’s a very well drawn dark elf (translation : tanned hottie ^_^). On the other side, it’s a saddening story, hentai rape with betrayal of trust and degradation of what was once pure and beautiful. Here be no lulz.

The rest is entirely up to you, do as you like, stay away from this or download it, as you wish !

My shares by Doi Sakazaki, also known as Tenkla, are: the INCREDIBLE Yomeiro Choice (a monument to comedy hentai, absolutely crazy and awesome), an epic pack (Boin Tantei Vs Kaitou Sanmensou + Fool Girl Append), the hilarious Portball, Father Is In Overseas Appointment So The Mother And Son Are Alone, No Spite (a disappointing one), Delusion Dreams (Uncensored version) and another nice pack (Futanaric Love Estate 1-2 + the uncensored version of Half-Dried Laundry + the uncensored version of Interesting Neighbour).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(15 MB, 22 pictures, English)

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13 years ago

Funny thing about NTR posts to me is that the girl's cuteness levels gets multiplied tenfolds when you realize something bad is about to happen to her or her friend; and she was a fine one to begin with!

However, the scenario makes me want to poke something pointy at the Mangaka; finally a nice girl to look at until it breaks it to you: "Sorry, this won't end well! Damn it. Disappointment follows ragequit.

13 years ago

Thanks for the warning. I understand from another site it's the main protag's older brother that NTR's her. I'll pass, but thanks for all you do, Oliver.

13 years ago

Ntr is the only type of hentai that includes hope,betrayal,despair,rage etc etc so many emotions. No matter how bad it is, you can't help but be powered by the sheer amount of emotions. Most people can't handle it as it is very much sensory overload. I personally am not a big fan of ntr, but I can't deny that it happens all the time in real life, so it somewhat more believable than all the gushy sob stories or the cutesy shit that wayyy to good to be true.

dlin, fappin, enjoyin.

13 years ago
Reply to  exia

Dunno about "it happens all the time in real life" but who am I to ruin your fun?

By the way, it works both ways. Vanilla can very much act as sensory overload as well. Like tasting sweet and bitter. Some love it, some hate it to bits. Enjoy yourself.

13 years ago

another NTR huh :P

John Conner
John Conner
13 years ago

your lesson. never fucking trust ANYONE.

13 years ago

Just want to mention that the artist is a she not a he.

13 years ago

Noooo I didn't read your warningsss
Too lateee…
And I liked the dark elf theme too..