Americans, PLEASE READ THIS AND ACT ! Your civil liberties are at stake ! (And internet free porn too, but that’s just a detail here)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 33 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Hey, you, the Americans, nearly 40% of the visitors of Hentairules, this post is for you precisely !

Have you heard about the E-Parasite bill ?
You can read about it on that page. Or over there. Or, here. Or, heck, on hundreds of other pages.

That’s the latest and sadly most promising folly coming from Hollywood lobbyists. In their great trend to try and improve everyone’s lives, in order to avoid reflexion on renewing their outdated business model, they prefer to hit very hard on civil liberties and threaten your economy.

With that crazy bill, kiss goodbye to civil liberties. To freedom of speech.
To free internet porn.
Europe and Asia will welcome with open arms half of your internet geniuses wanting to create billionaire firms.

There’s just one problem : this crazy bill could pass. Seriously.

So, please, dear Americans, MOVE FROM YOUR CHAIR ! (just wash your hands if needed, ok)
There’s an official petition about it. Or you can also contact your representatives, talk about it around you, tweet it (huhu, 4 RTs ^^)
… Please, don’t allow fucking lobbyists from the middle ages to shoot you all in the brain !

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13 years ago

I was reading about this just last night. I'm honestly not surprised, the government isn't even trying to hide the fact that it's a Corporate Oligarchy anymore. I doubt this will pass, but that won't stop me from trying to get the word out. I really hope this shit doesn't go through, I'd rather not end up having to use the deep web for porn and other things I can currently find on the surface web.

13 years ago
Reply to  Dillinger

Deus Ex man. Corporations are the government. Lobbyists are synonymous with the word law already.

13 years ago

@Oliver first link broken. Relative instead of absolute path.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  acolyte

Thank you Acolyte :)

13 years ago

Bla bla bla.. US is just 200 million out of 7 billion, and not even most of the US wants it.
Don't politicians have more worthwhile things to spend time on? Rather than trying to 'conquer' the internet they should focus on making jobs. This is why we have less jobs available in the US -_-

13 years ago
Reply to  acolyte

"Congress chose the names for these terrible legislative efforts. But to find the real parasites these days, all Congress needs to do is look into the mirror."

13 years ago

i dont know how much of an impact it'll have here in canada (sadly, i cant sign this petition, otherwise i would) but this is a ridiculous and blatant finger at the freedom of all internet users.

Really hope this one dies in the egg…

13 years ago

Maybe I’m putting faith (which is to say, for others, too much faith) in a certain Senator Ron Wyden, but he DID put a hold on COICA and the Protect IP Act, the latter of which was the current bill with different language. I am currently calm on the bill’s prospects (which is to say it will not pass this year).

13 years ago

Oliver, thanks for posting this. I was unaware previously.
I did follow a few links though. If I’m understanding this correctly, this will not only affect the US, but any country that has any portion of their internet running through any US controlled DNS system.
Wouldn’t this basically mean we’re imposing a law that would affect other countries that exist OUT of US jurisdiction?
But yeah, this is bullshit. It make’s China’s internet look like a bed of roses for free speech and first amendment rights.

13 years ago

Well i'm from germany and apart from my knowleadge of the english speech i just can't get to a clear conclusion what this bill is about. ^^

Could anyone reply to me in strict words what this is and means for the americans exactly?

13 years ago
Reply to  HR-Fan

Do you know what copyright is? basically, its anything that is "branded" or is a "trademark" like pepsi, coke, hershey's. and that kind or thing.

So anything on the internet that is copyrighted cannot be there. So if I were to take a picture of a pepsi sign and post it online, it would be deleted without my permission. In other words, our government is trying to control our right to post things on the internet,and if there's one things americans don't like, it's people who try to control our rights.

13 years ago
Reply to  Joe

thank you, now it makes sense.^^
I'm not unenlightened or anything but i just couldn't figure out the message with these complicated word for my education in the english language.

13 years ago

Anyone with any ‘copyright material’ can point the finger at a site, any site, and basically completley fuck them over. Also, any site that they decide helps or allows ‘copyright material’ to be more accessible can also be assfucked.
And if I’m reading it right, any part of the entire world’s internet that runs through any US controlled or operated DNS systems will also be under the affect.
So, not just the US.

13 years ago

hey, thanks for posting this! I had never heard about this before, I signed the petition and I posted a link to the petition page and the c/net story on facebook and asked my friends to pass it on as well…what will they try to take away from us next? our ability to look out our windows?

13 years ago
Reply to  3py0nz3r0

Yeah that's next, the government is preparing to change your windows for one-way mirrors.
Being serious though, this really really sucks, but it's just impossible to stop people from sharing stuff on the web since they'll always find a way. This is just a waste of time and breath on their part, and if this actually gets approved it will just be a waste of money from contributions that could've gone to other more important areas, like creating jobs or solving the financial crysis.

13 years ago

So about 13 years ago there was Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now, there are no jobs, no hope, and no cash. Also, besides the pun/joke/seriousness of the previous comment, this act will VIOLATE your first amendment, like what this site's supporters are trying to avoid.

Schuyler Thorpe
Schuyler Thorpe
13 years ago

Well, this doesn't surprise me. Not too long ago, they tried to pass bills 'regulating' the internet here in the US.

But look at the BRIGHT SIDE. Less access to the internet will make my days surfing for hentai a fond memory–because I won't have an excuse to hook up my POS computer to the internet anymore.

However, I will miss Oliver and his daily offerings of hentai. :0)

Professor What
Professor What
13 years ago

Sadly, this is just one of many in the works that would be terrible for the U.S. and the world over, and already telling my local senators and congress-folk to NOT vote for these kids of bills at all, I was replied to from Senator Gillibrand stating:

"I am a cosponsor of this legislation because I believe that we must protect American intellectual property against foreign websites that infringe upon our rights. By empowering the Attorney General of the United States to go after foreign infringing websites, this legislation becomes a necessary tool to ensure that U.S. companies remain competitive in the world marketplace. I recognize that there are technical concerns with the enforcement of this bill that need to be addressed. I am committed to working with my colleagues in the United States Senate to ensure that this legislation protects the Constitutional rights of Americans and does not stifle lawful free speech or innovation on the internet."

Apparently she has already been bought off too. An eromangaka should make a netorare where our senators and congress-folk are stolen from us by ATM's pumping their wombs and asses full of hot coinage and wads of 100$ bills!!

13 years ago
Reply to  Professor What

I would read that manga…no, you know what? I'd literally buy the english translation to keep for years to come.

Bob from Accounting
Bob from Accounting
13 years ago

I simply can't comprehend how this bill came to be. I mean, it must have taken some intelligent people to make it, looking at the intricate use of the English language and the many different juridical hooks, needles and loopholes. So why would anyone do this? They know the effect it's going to have, better than anyone, why would someone cooperate on such a clear breach of civil/human rights. Are there no people in law that say, "this is in every way wrong, I won't work on this, nay, I will even protest against it." This is just sad, really. Everyone who worked on this bill should be publicly executed, those people have NO right to be considered human. The charge; treason on the human race for nothing more than personal gain.

13 years ago

Thanks Oliver, I never would have known. I signed the petition and posted it on facebook for all my friends to see. I hope we can stop this!

13 years ago

Well, that's utterly outrageous, but I think that's not really surprising, and sadly that's the same everywhere…This kinda makes me think of some laws in France which have created a " High Authority for Transmission of Creative Works and Copyright Protection on the Internet "…Looking at these laws, they're just a violation to some fundamental rights and liberties, and that " High Autority " shouldn't even exist, it's nothing but a way to keep an eye on the websurfers…

I hope for you Americans this bill won't pass…

13 years ago

Well, did my bit, signed the 'Stop' petition, and of course, like most Yanks nowadays, that it won't matter. Our politicians are all deaf, dumb (in all meaning of the word), and blind to what the average American wants.

13 years ago

Americans don't have any control of their government. Do you really think politicians will listen to to us? Politicians are all in the pockets of the big companies, and they will never do what is best. America is a lost cause.

cliford Lempa
cliford Lempa
13 years ago

for those in PA we have a representative on the judiciary comittie, here is his name and number:

10 Marino, Tom Republican 410 CHOB 202-225-3731 Judiciary

13 years ago

Wow. Hadopi (the lighter french version of it) was merely a joke, thanks to its inapplicable and anti-constitutional way to detect illegal download, combine with some also anti-constitutional penalty.
We find out that the official site used copyrighted font and picture without authorization : )
The way it was refused the first time was fun too. There were only like 10 representatives in the whole "Senat" (on the 577 seats !) and when the law was about to be voted, 40 other representatives who were against Hadopi just 'ninja'-show up and vote ! Quite lame.

This one seems a way bigger and serious threat. It's more powerful, f**ks the presumption of innocence …
I'd rather learn how to hack now while we still can so I can help to fight against it if it pass. I don't think hanging a Joly Roger behind me will be enough : )

13 years ago

Thank you Oliver. For the first time in decades I get to feel happy living under an authoritarian regime. My perception of the USA as land of the free is completely shattered.

13 years ago

i hate politicians that makes such rules

that kind of people always trying to restrict us on the net

let's Pray for The Spirit of freedom and internet free porn

and pray for americans to win this nightmare

13 years ago

y'know what'll take care of this?? pollinics…

13 years ago

In Brazil they were trying to approve something like that too, but it was on a greater scale on the communications (some kind of shitty department to ''monitorate''(censore) the TV, radio and also the internet at some extent), but apparently it hasn't worked too much because of the pressure of big Tv channels and stuff. Problem is that here the government makes some stupid shit almost everyday, to an the point we unfortunately forget most of the political scandals.
But back to the main topic, let's hope that the US people don't let this shit happen, what in one way or other would affect all the world at some extent.

And my apologies for poor english

13 years ago

I signed the petition. And my hope is that every other person with a brain in one's head does so as well.

13 years ago

ah, yes. Greed in america at it's best. It's all just an excuse for them to try and sue the hell out of massive corporations for money. Unfortunately, we're all just on the shit end of the stick.

13 years ago

There is also a petition on Avaaz about it :