History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi hentai doujin [English] : Shigure Training Diary, by Uruujima Kouru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Bathos. This is genuine bathos humour : when the story goes so much “too far”, to excessive lengths, without any hint of actually nottaking things seriously, this becomes ridiculous and highly amusing to witness :D

Here, Shigure, the swordwoman from HSDK, is a dumb girl easy to arouse and manipulate, and she’s trained to be a sex slave.

Obviously the “real” Shigure from HSDK wouldn’t have been like that, but who cares after all, this shit is SO ridiculous anyway, I found it impossible rage to that, instead, I had a refreshing laugh :lol:

Graphically, though, this is pretty nice, Shigure drawn having such intense sex, in an almost good manner, this is already very rare. And I never imagined I’d picture her disguised as a nekomimi :D So, guys, gals (maybe), enjoy the Shigure fuckest, and remember, don’t take it seriously, it’s not worth it anyway ^^;;
For this bathos release, thank you very much to Wrathkal and Sokarius ! :)

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13 years ago

great …..just great

13 years ago

Dear Admin. I expected something with better taste from you. I visit your site beacouse of good qualiry pics. Pls consider my words.

13 years ago
Reply to  eldgrim

you were warned. If you don't like it, don't read. Oliver does really well posting things for people with different tastes an this is definitely one of the best sites you can visit.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Andate

Thanks :)

In short, as long as I feel talent in a work and I can respect that people love it, even if it disgusts me, I think it may be worth sharing. Next is chosing what's worth sharing in a day's limited time allocated to my blog :o

13 years ago

WOW i love it

13 years ago

This is well drawn but i wonder why are the given rating is 3.00 , because even more bad doujins get more rating than 3.00