Netorare Kanojo [English, 184 pictures], by Satou Toshio
Unlike what the title implies, there is no “betrayal” in that volume. This is, more simply, the story of highschoolers becoming fuck buddies, one of the girls had a former sex partner and gave up on him, while the other girl felt vaguely in love with a class mate but also gave up on him. In my eyes, that hardly qualifies as netorare, but, well.
The scenario doesn’t fly far, this is happy uncomplicated sex. Even the dominant male stereotype isn’t an asshole here, he’s just doing whatever he cares, and the girls happen to enjoy pairing up with him.
Graphically, that was good, a bit unusual (occasional straight lines from hip to waste : what ?!? :lol:), and with almost no censorship.
My sincere thanks are for a good old Netorare lover, who’s already provided lots of good contents to the community : CoNTRa ! Thank you very much, man, and also of course, thanks a lot to QB Trans, from whom he commissioned the translation
By the same artist, I also share Houkago Rankou Club 1,5…
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Lol. nice bonus picture
art reminds me of Shiwasu No Okina
thanks again as always Oliver!!