Seishun Nikki 3, 4 and 5 [English], by Otomekibun

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
An almost naked teen girl pole dancing. Her breasts and butt shouldn't be allowed to be so awesome.

I didn’t find if Seishun Nikki was the parody of something else, so I’ll assume this is an original work. And, to be frank, the story is close to lame, this is a about a highly submissive though highly sexual highschool girl, having sex with lots of men and treated as a fuck toy. In bloomers at school, in the train with random strangers who found she was aroused from a vibrator, in school swimsuit.
This isn’t rape, my impression is that the girl gets exactly what she wants, that, in a way, she’s secretly a happy masochist. – But that’s a personal opinion, which is open to discussion.

Oh well, see for yourselves ? The girl is has a great body, with big breasts, large hips, an aroused face, and she’s having oral, anal, vaginal, and groupsex. There are, in the end, bonus pictures, occasionally with other girls, on which more time has been spent polishing the art :3
Thanks a lot to SMDC for these releases ! ^_^

By the same artist, known as Otomekibun and Sansyoku Amido, I also share 1/8 Girlfriend (177 pictures), Haru Chichi, Natsu Chichi, Gakkou de Seishun 11, the uncensored version of Akaneiro Pool, and Private Love Lesson.

Complete pictures galleries :
Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(39 MB, 49 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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11 years ago

these are spin-offs to the series

Gakkou de Senshun! -Kouhai mo Issho-


School in the Spring of Youth

11 years ago

1 and 2 where clear rape as far as i remember

11 years ago

can you post 1 &2?