Witchcraft [English, God-level hentai, 215 awesome pictures], by Yamatogawa, has been updated to its UNCENSORED version

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I could fap to this a hundred times and come back for more. THIS IS GENIUS !

Please, chain me to a radiator and talk to me in German. I deserved it. I’m a bad Oliver.
I’m so sorry, I don’t know how I screwed up like that.
I had the uncensored TANK version of Witchcraft on my disk since the distant day of its release, 3 years ago, but I never remembered to update my share of it on Hentairules : until today, the version I was still sharing was the censored version.

Let’s cut the discussion short, I fixed the links, the Witchcraft tankoubon that I’m sharing is, from now on, the uncensored version. Woot !

Witchcraft, Tank version, UNCENSORED, is available HERE !

(I have more details to add, scroll down in my post to see them.)

Inb4 someone asks what the fuck I’m talking about :

– If you don’t know what a Tankoubon is, please read this page.

– There are two versions of Witchcraft, based on two sets of scans. The scans based on the magazine prepublications, and the scans based on the official hardprint, the tankoubon.
Usually, magazines print their stuff in crappy quality, while tanks are the best shit there is. Not this time, this time, it’s the opposite. I uploaded a few examples, take a look ! Do you see why I’m not that enthusiastic ? The tank version has smaller pictures, with less satisfying contrasts and greys balance.
The version of Witchcraft based on magazine scans is HERE and it’s also uncensored.
My sincere advice : this time, if you must choose, it is best to take the magazine version.

– Fun fact : the version of the tank I’m sharing in my Yamatogawa Total Pack is already decensored, so that counts as an aggravating circumstance, I KNEW at a time, and then I completely forgot about it, and didn’t realize there was a problem, sharing a proper version in the total pack, and a faulty outdated version in the single page -_-

And that was it for the precisions, sorry it took so long, I had no idea how to cut them short :)
Witchcraft, Tank version, UNCENSORED, is available HERE !

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11 years ago

Still my all time favorite tank from Yamatogawa & easily in my all time top 10 tankobons of all time.

11 years ago

So you want to be talked to in German (while being chained to a radiator)? Well, if that's your fetish I'll try to deliver some satisfying result:

"Böser, böser Oliver! Du warst unartig, dafür bleibst Du den Rest des Tages an der Heizung stehen. Und wehe, das passiert Dir noch einmal!" (For best result: imagine being chained to a hot radiator)

There, please enjoy yourself ;)

Now back to the topic. Hurray! Uncensored Yamatogawa! Hurray!
Many thanks Oliver, highly appreciated.

11 years ago

God-Level about covers it. Thanks for the update, Oliver. Oh, and sorry, I failed German, so I can't pile on the grunted, rolling-r invectives. Just imagine being beaten with a Bratwurst, and not in a good way. :)

11 years ago

I have a version of this manga labeled "uncensored Tank" dating from July 2012 … What's the difference?

11 years ago
Reply to  Svartalf

Not only that, but wasn't this by Vaizard? Oliver credited H9E.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

My copy (tank version) reads….

trans by: Lint, Who Knows, Desudesu
re-edited by: YQII, AntiAgingAnon
decensored by: Vaizard no Sekai

11 years ago
Reply to  Svartalf

Yep, looks very similar, same tag date and same pic size… the reconstituted parts look done the same way too… but I might not be sensitive enough to notice.

Oliver, it's always good to tout Witchcraft, but seriously, was ist neu mit diesen Post?

11 years ago

I seem to already have an uncensored tank of Witchcraft. Clearly from here. DId you forget? Or is this version different somehow?

11 years ago
Reply to  EeeJay

I'm guessing is he forgot because he went to the old post instead of searching and seeing he posted it as it's OWN post instead of updating the old post originally (like he normally does): http://www.hentairules.net/2012/07/04/uncensored-

Good news is he can blame this whole thing on me cuz I failed to update the redirection page to indicate this fact. Having said that, he supposedly updated said page himself (according to the previous blog entry), so I dunno how he didn't see this while doing that >_> Now you should, hopefully, understand why these take me so long to do, Oliver. I take my time so I don't make mistakes :X

11 years ago

3 years ago??? Oliii, tsk tsk :P

11 years ago

I actually have an uncensored version from 2008 from HH so I guess Oliver did share it more than once :)

11 years ago
Reply to  Nikolaus

No, that's with the magazine raws. Completely different.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago

No time to answer the comments right now, but I've read a handful of them

In short, I browsed hentairules and saw the poor state of the yamatogawa redirection page, made myseld a mental note that I'll have to fix it

I don't know under what exact circumstances that made me open the WItchcraft TANK page, I saw an oddity, apparently a censorship bar on one of the preview pictures

And then I realized with a strong feeling of horror that, on this witchcraft tank page, it was the censored version of the tank that was shared, for god knows what reason

Those of you who have the uncensored tank may have gotten it from the total pack (in which it is the uncensored tank), or else it is possible that I shared the uncensored tank at a time, and then, for some unfathomable reason, updated the tank's page with the censored version, but, come on, that doesn't make any sense at all

Anyway, that DOES NOT make sense, it's just the way I found the tank's page, censored, so I mde the update

And now I'l laaaaaaaaaaate, why did I write another wall of text, crap !

bye for the moment, guys

11 years ago

Like I said, you made a new post instead of updating the original. I linked it above.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I'll read all the comments later (i'm making a short break, browsing some hentai to see if there will be promising fap materials for me this evening to be painfully honest lol, and then i'm getting back to work), but curiosity had me come back to ask, so you mean I had actually TWO posts, two LIVE posts, for the TANK version of witchcraft ? One post with the censored tank, one post with the uncensored tank ?

11 years ago

Yep. Here’s the original you posted over a year ago: http://www.hentairules.net/2012/07/04/uncensored-

Coincidentally, you also had the credits correct that time.

11 years ago

Hi Oli,

you did share the mag and tank version in the total pack fully uncensored, so did not make any mistakes.
“Braver Junge, mach weiter so”


11 years ago

Liebe Oliver,

besser spät als nie! Und vielen vielen Dank dafür :D

Really, thank you very much! I loved this work.
