Peace Hame! Jou [English, 260 pictures] : the COMPLETE and UNCENSORED Tankoubou, also with improved English, by Shiwasu No Okina

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 39 comments

Welcome to Japan.

Belldandy100 released an amazing hentai gem : the Pease Hame! Jou tankoubon. I just don’t have enough words to express my gratitude, so, simply THANK YOU ! :) :jap:

Compared to the versions I was sharing before on Hentairules under the “Pisu Hame” name, at last, this time, this is made with tank scans! And perfected!
– This is freaking UNCENSORED, for pete’s sake :kickass:
– This is now the tankoubon, with much superior image quality.
– A bonus chapter, not translated before, has been added
Bonus tankoubon pictures
Better English : Belldandy100 massively fixed and/or improved the English texts, so they may be truer to their source, the Japanese version
– There are tanke’d chapters not belonging to the Pisu Hame arc

I hope you may enjoy this ! ^_^
(And MANY details are available, for this : scroll down in my post !)

The second volume of the Peace Hame series, Peace Hame Jou, is HERE :)

For MUCH more stuff, cf. The List of ALL Shiwasu No Okina’s Works !
And of course there’s My Shiwasu No Okina Total Pack =)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(261 MB, 260 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

As of usual when the images are in high enough resolution and the archive is quite big, and it offers a significant gain, and I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images from around 2480 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrank from 261 to 104 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

Final bonus : just look at the captcha I was asked to fill to download this manga. Wasn’t it cleanly spot-on ? ^_^

In total, for the Peace Hame series, there is:
Peace Hame! Ge Tokusei Shousasshi, a full-color booklet mainly about Pisu Hame girls and with a few other girls. Uncensored too.
Peace Hame Jou, the first half of the series, an uncensored tankoubon
Peace Hame Ge, the second half of the series, an uncensored tankonbon
– Haru Hame, a loli bonus that was published in magazine scans, and that is now only available in the Shiwasu No Okina total pack (because I am not interested in wasting my precious time sharing lolicon on hentairules.)

There are works, now pack of this tank, that were formerly known as standalone magazine releases. They are :

Camii Dock (an ooooold one, commissioned by me. Actually, the overly virile jerk and the submissive teacher are getting engaged, a deeply satisfying anticlimatic ending)
The Day Before The Saint Cherry Blossom Festival (which is itself a sequel to Nerusen, present in JC Ecchi)

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Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Shiwasu no Okina? Peace Hame? Uncensored? Of course I am going to download and read it again, but a curiosity remains: when will the second volume be available? ;)

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Oh, yes, the question was stupid, as it had already been answered.

10 years ago

thx alot Oliver!! and many thanx for the smaller version!!

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Jasad

You're welcome. I remember how painful it was, stuck with a poor, slow and capped internet connexion, in the past. Anxiously watching how much of my monthly quota was still allowed. Or watching with fear the progress bar from a host capping the download speed, with fear there would be a network breakdown in the middle of the download… brrr….
So if I can help, that's a pleasure.

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
10 years ago

Good share, looking forward for new works from Shiwasu no Okina!!! B)

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

By the way, Belldandy made corrections but drowsed in some obvious points, as in page 111:

one day… with her fiancee… instead of
one day… with her fiancé.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

Maybe we'll get a V2. Argh, more links to update.

Ser Maggot
Ser Maggot
10 years ago

I always trust Belldandy to do decensors. He's great at it.

10 years ago

Shit… love any of Shiwasu no Okina's shares but I guess I missed Oliver's annual April Fools prank :(

And damn if I wasn't looking forward to it, ah well… 'mopes'

Ser Maggot
Ser Maggot
10 years ago
Reply to  Hezard

Did you miss it? It's few posts below.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ser Maggot

I obviously missed it as well, because I was quite sure he either forgot about April Fools, or that he decided to take the high road and not do an April Fools post this year. Can you please tell us which post is supposed to be the joke one?

10 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

There was an Aprils fool? I missed it completely, what was it?

10 years ago
Reply to  Svarty

Gunma was a rewrite.

10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Considering people only download this stuff to fap, that was a weak ass april fools. The pink background was superior and that's not saying much.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  ihavetaste

Don't put yourself in other people's shoes. Those who really love hentai read the dialogues.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Exactly. I do read everything, so i demand quality. Always!

10 years ago

Indeed, and to the point that I can't enjoy hentai in the original Japanese, since I can't read that.

10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Ahh ok. The reason I didn't notice it is because you guys immediately ruined the joke. Since the first couple comments on that one were you and Oliver going "whoops, this isn't the final version" I never even bothered to download it or read the rest of the comments.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

I should have disabled comments on that post, yeah.

10 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

If anything, that should've sold it even more.

Also my intention was to point something out to Oliver before he posted it live, then he'd delete the comment, but… >_>

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Aaaaah. All of the comments then. Didn't get that.
And, anyway, I'm relatively hostile to removing contents that have already been seen by people and that received replies. That doesn't sound right, somehow, as if I were trespassing on my own rights… I still will delete stuff that's gone bad like a flame wars, but, here, I didn't feel really allowed to…

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

Yeah, too bad.

But, still, I had a good time doing it, and I as very pleased to read, in the various places where I saw it reposted, appreciative comments about how funny it was :)

Even on e-hentai, supposed to be full with morally annoying biggots banning a scanlator because he added the photo of a wrestler, I saw people finding it hilarious :D

10 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  thatguy

Yep. And it's super disappointing :(

10 years ago

Thanks everyone who worked on this masterpiece.
dwnloading ….

10 years ago

What the… in the description Oliver says this release has better english that the previous one… The english in this is frickin terrible… Was the original worse?

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Honestly, I don't remember if the English was better or worse, I have grown high tolerance to bullshit and average English, so that doesn't leave permanent stains in my memory.

I have indeed seen grammar errors, but Belldandy100, on his site, clearly wrote he improved a lot the dialogues, so I believed him with that. Check his blog if you want more information,

10 years ago


this tank only includes up to chapter 7 with 2 bonus stories, but pisu hame has 16 chapters in total.

10 years ago
Reply to  daikon7

oh wait you already know that my bad

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  daikon7

Hehe ^^

As as as this tank is a single printed volume, it IS complete. What's next is the next tank, the "Ge" volume. See what I mean ? Pisu Hame isn't complete, but the tank is.

10 years ago

Sausages.. lol xD

10 years ago

Its not the complete arc of pisu hame there isnt it? It stops after caldina

10 years ago

I can't wait for the complete complete version so i downloaded it anyway.

Thanks for the good work Oliver and crew!!

10 years ago

The second part is available on pururin if you want to read it…. Wondering when will u post it oliver? Wannna download it from ur sites:D

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Stevield

No, no, no and no.
I went through Pururin links this morning, as someone sent me an email.
Pururin needs to name more clearly his shit.
If you want the magazine versions for Pisu Hame / Peace Hame, you’ve got my older posts.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Stevield

Got you the link, here :

See, the difference, because there's one, resides in the source of the scans. Previously, those were magazine scans.
Now, and for this, in English, only the first half is done, this is Peace Hame Jou, there are also the TANK scans, wich much less censorship and superior printing quality.

Hoping it will be less confusing for you now :)

10 years ago

Okay that really clears the cloud around me hahaha thanks for the info oliver^_^
Sorry for the misleading info there hahaha
Can't wait for the UNCENCORED and IMPROVED version of vol 2 LOL

10 years ago

So this is the prequel or sequel to Peace Hame! Ge Tokusei Shousasshi,?

Shame this is not part of the pack, but i'll download it now :)

Thanks again as always Oliver-san!!

10 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

"Ge Tokusei Shousasshi" is the year book they're making in the series. It's essentially an omake.