Succu Life [English, now in its COMPLETE version, 143 pictures], by Nanase Mizuho

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments

–Update: excellent news, this share is now obsolete!
It is now part of the COMPLETE Succu Life tankoubon, 171 pages of awesomesauce :)

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Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
9 years ago

Thanks for the share Oliver!
Ever since I read this manga it made me really interested in succubus theme stories, so I been looking for some and stumbled upon these manga "Maou No Hajimekata" well if you hadn't read it and have some spare time and interest in these type of theme I can totally vouch for it, but fair warning, don't read near your kids for it contains adult theme stuff (kind of border line of ecchi and hentai). =D

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

I never heard of it before, but I'll gladly follow your recommendation and give it a look, thank you man :)

If other people are interested, I found it on Batoto:

9 years ago

And Now, the succubi are (seemingly) part and parcel of the conspiracy to (subconsciously) implant the desire to "go forth, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth (or at least Japan)".

Still it was fun. Hope Kenji can handle it.


Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  MHM

I think along the same lines, it can't be an accident if virtually EVERY hentai manga teaches that raw sex is the best and creampies are fully OK.

There's a civilizational thing going on here, be it unconscious (most likely) or the result of an underground committee plotting to influence the young minds (unlikely, but SO much more amusing to believe in).

9 years ago

I don't know, Oliver. It's pretty hard to compete with Sasamori Tomoe's Succubus Stayed Life series. Sure, it's a more contemporary portrayal of a Succubus, but it sure is top tier material.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Alastor

Hmm, this time, no, I wouldn't put them in the same category.

Succubus Stayed Life lacks the inner hardcore quality we find in Succu Life, and we nurture mixed feelings toward the succubus status (or not!) of the heroine, maybe she's just a psychotic girl. Additionally, there is no vanilla, the male character keeps on feeling unsecure about his feelings…

9 years ago

I can agree with that. I do find the art in Stayed Life at least slightly more appealing, but that doesn't mean I didn't find Succu Life to be pretty darn good as well. I also thought of another succubus manga that's pretty up there in quality as well: Devil Cherry Pie by Arsenal.

9 years ago

I can't get into succubus themes, same with elves, cat girls and dog girls. Something about having the girl with anything other then normal ears renders me flacid.

9 years ago
Reply to  hoccus

Well, to be fair, the succubi in this story all had perfectly normal ears.

They just had some shiny horns as a bonus on top. Literally.

9 years ago
Reply to  anon

Oh crap you're right about the ears so I guess even with normal ears, having something on the head like dog ears, cat ears or horns is enough to turn me off lol.

9 years ago

Excuse me !! Where is the cover of the manga, Oliver-san ?

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  longryuga

This isn't a tank, Longryuga, the manga is made from magazine publications. So, we have no covers, and other tank stuff.

Eventually, no doubt, we'll have it inside a tank, and at that time we can expect one, two or three additional chapters.

But not yet :)

(you'll notice I called it the "COMPLETE" manga, but I didn't libel it in the "complete hentai mangas" category ?)

9 years ago

There is an additional chapter in the tank – Chapter 8 entitled "Kinensai". Unfortunately it does not appear to be translated yet.

9 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Zarniwoop

When the last chapter is done (only one ? What a pity, I would have hoped for more!), then it will be worth repacking it with tank materials :)