Love Ecstasy [English], by Hisasi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Imagine, if it weren't censored ? Oh god.

Hisasi returns!! :shock:
Two years after I last shared something by Hisasi, here comes something new, at last! ^___^

Brace yourselves, this is heart-warming, extremely well drawn and very arousing sex. And I just don’t give a flying fuck about the whiteout censorship, this didn’t even make it a bad read :twisted:
As for the story, this is about a sort of sex android wit human-like feelings… but I’ll let you read it, no need for more words.
Enjoy!! And thanks a LOT to Axalon, MrWayne, DerEX and CellTF, really! :)

But wait ! There’s more. Cf The List of Hisasi’s Works on HentaiRules !

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9 years ago

the entire time i was waiting for the classic twist- the robot is really his childhood friend/classmate/random girl interested in him and this was all an elaborate ruse to get closer to him.

9 years ago
Reply to  koko


9 years ago

The way the last panel on the last page went, part of me (if you know what I mean) is hoping for a continuation.

9 years ago

Oliver! Remember the hentai video shared a while back centered on one of Hisasi’s tanks? Well they released another episode, this one focuses on the story Katakoi from the same one, the Cute Devil Girlfriend tank. Here where I found it:

9 years ago

Hisasi returning is good news.
Does Homunculus return too? *praying to all the hentai gods and hentai bringers…*

I saw my first comment here was on a Hisasi work… 3 1/2 years ago… seems like ages.
It`s so relieving to leave the lurker state behind… and posting (more or less intelligent) comments.
To all the lurkers here…JUST DO IT!

9 years ago

I guess he got the sex robot that you have to plug in instead of it running on the power of his dick and cum.

9 years ago

Just my opinion but I’ve started categorizing my hentai according to art quality, coloring, and above all, censorship. I don’t mind burning up say 4-megs per image if I get a work that is a really high quality color work that is either mostly or entirely uncensored. A work like this one that has good art but horrible censorship isn’t worth spending a lot of bandwidth on, so I would suggest that Oliver only offer the lower quality shares in a smaller size by default. Merely my opinion.

8 years ago

There’s a new Hisasi tank called “Shoujo no Toge” out. Some of the chapters have already been shared, but I saw a few that I hadn’t seen before.