Borderline [English], by Kirihara You
Mikakunin, thank you for this, brings us a nice and somehow interesting hentai release, halfway between vanilla and drama, with an open ending, this kind of bittersweet atmosphere that I associate with “actually” adult stories.
The scenario: a highschool girl takes shelter for the night at random man’s place, chosen because he appeared to be gentle. We understand the girl’s in a bad family, surrounded by dirty selfish immoral adults. She’s packing up some drama but won’t let us in, instead, she prefers to seek some human warmth, and rather than be used, she offers herself and at least enjoys being cared for and pleasured.
It’s both sad and reassuring, somehow.
Visually, that girl was something. Round heavy breasts, a face showing intense emotions buried deep inside, a nicely arched back for doggystyle… I loved it =)
I hope you may enjoy this release
By the same artist (whose name I’ve read as Kirihaya You and Kirihara Yuu), I also share Virgin Snow, Kokuhaku, Asobi No Jikan and Natsu No Owaru Ni.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(36 MB, 22 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
14 page.. She has amazing ass ^^ Thanks a lot Mikakunin:)
Personal Judgement:
‘Nuff Said.
WOW!!! I’m not sure what to say about this one. I have to admit that this one got to me. I really wish it would have ended with her being at the store and them walking off together. They both needed someone kind and gentle to be with. Maybe we’ll get lucky and there will be a part two but I doubt it.
Ufff, It deeply saddened me. I hate that kind of parting
Watashi no Suki na Oji-san x Ore no Suki na Iede Shoujo Ge without the good ending . . .