Kurosawa No Kyuujitsu (“Kurosawa’s Day off”) [English, 64 pictures], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Love Live! Sunshine! series, by Alp (circle Ringoya)
“Learning with hentai” ©®™
I never heard of polynesian sex before, apparently it’s a real world thing, not a complete invention O_o
The way I understood it, it’s half a thing, half an idealized notion for westerners. It starts historically with westerners stumbling upon sexy polynesian women who find it normal to be almost naked 24/7 around everyone, so then, where’s arousal, desire and the surge excitation coming from? The answer is: (a) taking time to savour each step in the sexual approach, and (2) consciously focus on each other’s body, instead of a brutal neuron activation (opening pornhub, browsing hentai), a slow and self-aware focus on what makes the body of the partner unique and fascinating…
Ah, I give up, sorry for the wall of text, just read Kurosawa No Kyuujitsu, in which Dia Kurosawa practices Polynesian sex with her boyfriend, and you’ll get the idea
It’s a very good read, in my opinion. Excellent art, enough pages (64) to indeed take the time to fully appreciate each of the steps leading to sex, to drown in each other’s eyes, and strengthen a loving relationship. That was great
Thanks a lot, for this interesting release, to Smoat Busta Texas, Chika Takami and Lumisa Kosugi!
For a lot more, don’t miss The list of Alp/Ringoya’s works on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links 
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(36 MB, 64 pictures, English)
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The post you're currently reading has been written, and scheduled, in advance.
I'll be on holidays with my wife and kids, deep in the woods, taking a (hopefully well deserved) breather. It will feel good
As I won't be available, I won't be able to fix stuff, I can only hope this share isn't broken or anything. But who am I kidding, I always let something slip, so if you're with a post in which I screwed up something, you're fucked, deal with it
(That said, I'll bet I won't screw up *that* much. I'll see when I get back ^^)
Take care of yourselves while I'm away guys, I hope you have a fine summer, and I'll be back in the early days of August ^__^
This is probably an appropriate comment against this work:
Sexual healing.
They say that Polynesian sex can lead to long lasting relationship between couples, and what you said above is the reason why. It’s a great read.
That’s all I can say. I was left speechless when I read it. It’s just… So good