Archive | Complete English Mangas

The stuff that’s the hardest to come by, unfortunately!

Seifuku Shijou Shugi – Natsu (“Uniforms Supremacy – Summer”) [English, 237 pictures], by Takuma Harazaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

From, scenario-wise, the best chapter

What’s sexier than a highschool girl from hentai Japan in her winter uniform?
A highschool girl in her summer uniform :D

And so, following Seifuku Shijou Shugi – Fuyu (“Uniforms Supremacy – Winter”), here is now the summer version! ^__^

Same deal, the sex is consensual, the art and the care given to the uniforms are amazing, the censorship remains quite bearable. And, a detail that matters a lot to me in terms of mood, the girls are the ones initiating the action, with a full knowledge of what is going to follow, they want dick and have every intention to enjoy their private time with the boy they like, it made every chapter better, to me :)

Release credits are for Blitz and RyuugaTL, thank you very much!! :jap:

For more works by this artist, please see My Takuma Harazaki Redirection Page

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Chotto Bijin De Mune Ga Dekakute Eroi dake No Baka Nee + Bangaihen bonus [English, 238 pictures], by Takatsu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments


Well, that one had flown under my radar, time to catch up, my bad. I should have shared it earlier, even then, but every petition I sent to have days lasting 28 hours instead of 24 was rejected with a “fuck you lol” quite rude response. So, I’m doing with what little free time I have ^^

To sum it up, save one unrelated chapter around the end, the entire volume is around a teenage brother and his slightly older stepsister with an alluring athletic figure (dark skin? Tanlines? CHECK!), becoming lovers, and then doing their best to find every possible opportunity to fuck whenever there’s a chance. They experience with “normal” sex with the occasional kinky time, such as setting up a live show (with anal, yiss!!) or letting a female friend join for a threesome.

All in all, even though the shota aspect was annoying (it’s not like the brother was too young, it’s that there was such a huge size discrepancy), the art was solid by Takatsu’s standards, the action was full of energy, and the censorship was mainly negligible it was nice :)

Release credits are for Kuma-pun, Innyinny, Maipantsu, Ero/ Robert, Halny, KitKat1901, Dynellen, and Hobohobo. Thank you very much, all of you! ^_^

For MORE, I recommend you The list of Takatsu/Takatu’s works on HentaiRules

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Issennen No Ai O Shinjite (“In Belief Of A Thousand Year Long Love”) [English, 160 pictures], by Shishikura Sendou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Hurry up and come back, dude

I wasn’t ready for this amount of feels. Although it’s not like in Believe Machine, I felt a similar tsunami of emotions, of sadness and joy.

In Issennen No Ai O Shinjite, an elf with an impossibly long lifespan and a human learn to trust and love each other. Basically.
They each had their own trauma to overcome, the elf lost all confidence and self-esteem, the human stopped believing a woman could keep on loving him even when he’s away for his mercenary work. And… let’s say they worked hard on deserving each other’s trust :)

This is a full-volume scenario, starting by exposing original drama, and ending in a harrowingly beautiful conclusion.
Graphically, it’s not amazing TBH, but it’s good enough, still.

Thanks to whoever is behind the release of this masterpiece, that was amazing. Really, thank you, and I wish you all, folks, a good read :)

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Better than Sex [English, 189 pictures], by Ken Sogen

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

I'm so glad the final chapters have censorship. The earlier chapters like that one don't have much, which is also fortunate.

Well, that was something completely different.
Rarely shall I have had better cause for adding the “WTF hentai” tag.

Here is a complete 189 pages volume with a single storyline, featuring a young man buying himself an expensive female sex android, modelled after a girl he has a crush on. At first he and the android do their thing, then the girl he has a crush on joins the party, and then… and then things become crazy.
Politics get in the way. A cult with political clout and a driven hatred for androids find a chance to rape the girl and the android, they’re into modded prosthetics and wearing animal masks, there’s even a part where the female android is temporarily disassembled and her body parts are fucked separately… And it’s not over yet, there’s a surprisingly successful happy ending :shock:

In terms of mindset, there’s a certain liking for corruption, but it’s not going full “spiral of corruption”, not like some other WTF mangas such as La Bête Obscène.

Even now, hours later after I read it, I have a hard time processing it. But I’ll acknowledge two things: the art was worth it, and the scenario was interesting enough to make me not regret having read the story O_o

A side note: past the first chapters, the censorship becomes stronger (different raws, probably), and… it’s for the best, lol. I didn’t kid about modded prosthetics :twisted:

Release credits, for this fine piece of WTF hentai, are for IronKanmusu and Uncle Bane, and their backers, many thanks! :jap:

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Ihou No Otome (“Monster Girls In Another World”) [English, 240 pictures], by Mizone

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Laying the dragon

Oh, wow!!

Thanks to the fine scanlation work of The People With No Name (whose names are @Legendrazgriz and @Zolgheim), here is a most excellent manga, I’m confident most of you guys should have a great time reading it.
Really, thanks for the release ^_^

Each chapter in Ihou No Otome is a separate story, in which the canvas changes, but not the gist: a man and a woman, belonging to different monster, human or demi-human species, fall in love, overcome the differences between their species, and have sex with lots of mutual love.
Sometimes you’ll have tsundere, sometimes pure WAFF, sometimes it will be cutely amusing…
As for the women, they’re of all kind of animal-based species: naga, harpy, centaur or weird beast (the only 2 chapters I couldn’t stand, I have something against four-legged monster girls apparently), dragon, demon, and dryad…

Must I even warn you, that these are monster girls? I mean, it’s kinda, erm, obvious, right? It’s Mizone, and it’s in the title ;)
Still, please, if the first and second chapters spooked the fuck out of you, try and endure, it gets so much better in the entire rest of the volume, with less spooky girls! And, graphically, it’s a treat. The men and women making entranced faces, full of love, sex with very little censorship, that was good. Hats off :)

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Ero Sukebe Power! E.S.P.! Volume 2 [English, 192 pictures], by Ozaki Akira

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

And now I wonder, has Ozaki Akira already drawn a woman WITHOUT an XXXXL pubic hair bush?

Colour me impressed for the second time, regarding Ozaki Akira.
With this second volume of “Ero Sukebe Power”, we have once again been gifted with BOTH
– hardcore hard only bearing a tiny bit of censorship (black bars not hiding much, instead of the usual lightsabers and complete whiteout)
– a full-volume scenario, now spanning across 2 volumes :shock:

When you like Ozaki Akira, this is a godsend. Thank you so much for the effort, Ozakifan, you rule :twisted:

In case you’re new to the series, please start with the volume 1. To sum it up, we started by following a young man in an academy for people gifted with supernatural powers, and of course it turned out that being aroused was the key factor to improving their skills. Come now the volume 2, the male MC has started working, using his powers to protect peace, and still improving his control over them (while fucking left and right non-stop :lol: ).

I hope you’ll like the read, to me, it’s the best the mangaka can offer :)

Fore more, don’t miss The list of Ozaki Akira’s works on Hentairules!

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Ochitsuma (“Slave Wife”) [English, 201 pictures], by Bai Asuka

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The fingers make it look like it's Ai generated

Well, this is Bai Asuka, so, we pretty much know everything that follows.
Women are made to be humiliated and dominated, not just sexually, they’re fuckholes, dignity and human rights don’t suit them, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera :roll:
All of that served with, to be frank, pretty decent hardcore art, at least.

If you like it, it’s your entire right, I’ve got no right to judge. But me, I’m off, I can’t stand shit like that :D
Credits are for Bluntobject, Val, Roboboop, Rei and Wannasleep, from Project Valvrein, thanks are an order.

By the same artist, I also share Boku No Kaasan Wa Yuujin No Mesuinu (205 pictures), Madoromi Toromi (276 pictures), Gokujou Seikatsu (210 pictures), Hametorare (252 pictures), Kaigo Dorei (208 pictures), Mama Koubi (219 pictures), Shokurei (229 pictures), Swap Slave (212 pictures), Youbo (243 pictures) and Sinful Mother volume 1 and volume 2.

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