Tag Archives | impregnation

Mucchiri Chin Ochi (“Thick Cock-Loving Girls”) [English, 216 pictures], by Saint Shiro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Just roleplay. Not his daughter. Sorry. Wait, why am I writing sorry?!?

If you’ve had a long day, you won’t need to think too hard with that manga :D

Mucchiri Chin Ochi is made of single unrelated stories in which every woman has an inner slut barely hidden under the surface. Honest warning, Most of the chapters are “ugly”, the women are either blackmailed (until they’re honest with themselves, the usual motto, right?), hypnotized, or have already been previously broken in (urgh, I hate the expression, but unfortunately sometimes it’s accurate).
When the stories don’t suck, you’ve got for instance excellent enjo kousai with a dark-skinned slutty gyaru, or a horny highschool girl finding herself the perfect fuckbuddy, then, yeah, it was pretty great.

Graphically, as the title says, the girls are on the thick side, heh. From highschool girl to young adult, they’ve got plenty of nice meat to enjoy. It’s essentially vaginal sex, and the censorship remains quite moderate, if the art strikes your fancy, you’re in for a good ride, I’d say.

Thanks to Doujin-Moe for this one! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Natsu O Tanoshimimashou and Seijo No Mita Yume.

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Yoru Made Matenai (“Can’t Wait Until Nightfall”) [English, 71 pictures], an hentai doujinshi parodying The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls series, by Gustav (circle TelomereNA)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

A sight for the Heavens

Who, on this green Earth, doesn’t have a swimsuit fetish? The crystallization of fantasies, when we’re at the age it’s not easy yet to find pictures or vids of naked women. And the absolute shock of the contrast between the officially allowed theoretically innocent outfit, and the absurdly erotic truth of an almost bare body… HNNNNNNNNNGGGG!!!!
Ahem, my apologies. Let’s pretend I didn’t write that. But I think every word of it.

Anyway, to sum this share up, the idol Minami Nitta, from The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls, spends quality time in private with her dear producer. Normally he’s a meek guy, but seeing her in a glorious competition swimsuit released the Beast and now he’s so virile she can’t help wanting bareback creampies. The norm for an idol apparently :D

You’ve got great art, with rather low censorship, as always with Gustav, and that’s basically it ^^
I hope you’ll love this one, personally I adored it.

Release credits are for BckFT, thank you! :jap:

For MOAR Gustav/TelomereNA works, see Their list on Hentairules!

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Beatrice Brothel volumes 1-2 [English, 112 pictures], by Endou Okito

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

I struggled to find a good enough picture for my big preview pic. I STRUGGLED! With Endou Okito?!?

We’re not just selling bodies, we’re fulfilling dreams.

And so, the alluring and refined maids working at a certain private manor serve the wealthy and the aristocrats with their bodies, in a a dreamy uncertain setup as only Endou Okito can create.

… Usually, that’s where I start piling up praise, but this time, I’m less enthusiastic. Yes, the art is unique, yes the mangaka’s bursting with talent, yes the subtle colourization makes each page worth discovering, yes the story is rich with potential and a lot more might come if chance allows it.

But the art quality has declined (I picked an example here), the bodies are less proportionate, where I used to view idiosyncrasies in former volumes, I have seen drawing mishaps this time.

I’ll leave it for you to judge, cheers!
Release credits are for Val, Nomnom, Robocoop, Rei, Wannaslep, from Project:Valvrein, for the volume 1, and CuteGyaru TL for the volume 2. Many thanks!

By the same artist, I also share Coppélia Brothel, Succura No Takkei, The Virgin Knights’ Secrets, Shoujo Najimi, a pack of 4 works (Elven Bride 1-3 + Dragon And + Kaiserin To Ikkakujuu), Elves and Elven Bride 4-5.

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Shujin Ni Wa Naisho [English, 194 pictures], by Pon Takahanada

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

I know, I could have picked a hotter image. But... should I have? You know I did the right choice

What’s important, when you’re with someone, is that you’re both happy and your needs and expectations are satisfied, right? Right.
So: when the wife loves to cheat and the husband gives her the thumbs up behing the other men’s back, should we truly judge, lol? :D

I know I nuked in orbit all chances this release had to be popular, but at least this way only those who can enjoy it remain ^^

Here is, kindly released by Qthoney, an entire 194 pages long manga by Pon Takahanada, in which a wife does her thing, while the husband enjoys that she does her thing. Basically.
It’s always consensual brains-free sex, without strong ties, save the ties of actual and solid love between the husband and wife.

I felt the art was relatively sub-par compared to other Pon Takahanada shares, but it remains pretty good all things considered.

By Pon Takahanada, I also share Niizuma Osenaka Nagashimasu volumes 1-2 (356 pictures), Love Gome (224 pictures), Okonomi No Mama! – As You Like It (197 pictures), An Angel’s Marshmallow Volume 1 (167 pictures) + Volume 2 (169 pictures) + Volume 3 (169 pictures), Pythagoras Bitch chapters 1-2, Ayatsure! Sisters (196 pictures), Blind Love Susume, Like A Rat, and a Japanese mega pack (Oneesan Hitorijime + Rabu gome + Bon Appetit Sakura + Maid In Japan + Maniac Parade + Pie Heaven).

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Natsu No Yari Naoshi – Inaka To Hanare To Bijin Shimai (“Starting Over Again In The Summer – A Detached Cottage In The Country With Beautiful Sisters”), volumes 1-2-3 [English, 290 pictures], by Asakawa (circle Suiren No Yado)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

Blessed be those hentai characters who never run out of sperm

It’s all about how you spin it.
A story canvas can be fully stereotypical (a male MC who left his two female childhood friends behind, now coming back as an adult) and still allow to deliver perfectly fine hentai. Embroider the story canvas with a combination of vanilla and overcoming a sense of self-sacrifice, adorn it with some of the most powerful and visually striking action I’ve seen in a long time, and voilà, you’ve got some fine-ass totally worth it hentai :D

Personally, I was impressed by the art, with ballistic, almost tectonic action (there was powerful smacking and swinging), by the way the mangaka skilfully represented entranced faces (the “nothing else matters for the next 12 hours” kind of face, you see the idea?), and how the two women resembled neolithic idols in all their hourglass glory.
Still, I must warn you, the censorship is murder. I had to focus on the faces and hourglass aspects to avoid looking too closely at the censored genitalia, TBH ^^;;

Release credits are for Brolen, with NU2, NSFWSB and MILF Supremacy, and Shiromaru#5048. Thank you very much! :jap:

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Hitozuma Mitsu To Niku [English, 206 pictures], by Tsukino Jyogi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Technically, that IS burning a hell lot of calories

Oh man, it had been a while since I last shared a Tsukino Jyogi manga! True, I skipped the previous big release by that artist I could have done, the story bored me to death and made me sick, ugh. This volume, fortunately, is much better :)

Hitozuma Mitsu To Niku is a volume entirely focused on married women between 30 and 40 finding dick when their husbands have given up on providing it, the manga can be divided in 2 halves.
The first one is a big story arc about married women having fun time in their private club, first they do their cardio in leotard gym outfits straight out of a Tsukasa Hojo manga, then they fuck the trainers who were hand-picked for their schlong size.
The second half is shorter unrelated stories, still with the same trope.

It’s 100% consensual sex, with the women thoroughly enjoying that men do their best do make them submit. They remain in control, I won’t judge or call it domination or stuff like that.
Graphically, oh boy. Even with the rather numerous censorship bars, the art is GREAT, the women make astounding faces, there’s just this weird “cervix penetration” kink the mangaka carries ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

I can’t quite put a word on it, but I still wanted to mention it, it’s something I’m particularly fond of, when a mangaka “notices” this. Here, even though some of the sex is pretty powerful, female ecstasy is treated as a standalone process, not something that happens automatically when the man comes, and ends as soon as the male ejaculation is over. Look at page 28 for instance. I know, it’s just a small detail, but, somehow, it really makes a difference in my eyes, making a mangaka’s works more interesting to read…

I know Ruruscans is to thank for the release of the first part, but no idea for the other chapters and the tank reedit, would someone know, please?

(Remember to view The Updated List of Tsukino Jyogi’s Works on HentaiRules)

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Houkago Initiation [English, the complete grayscale tank version, 208 pictures], by Arai Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The front. How else can you bury your face between her amazing breasts while plowing with all your might?

When I shared the full-colour version of Houkago Initiation, a few days ago, I knew not everybody was OK with full-colour art (there’s no avoiding the loss of fine details and the impression volumes were flattened, isn’t there?), and I grieved the absolutely horrible censorship destroyed everything.

Well, no more! Here is, my dear filthy pervs, the grayscale, tank version of the same manga ^_^

Grayscale, as in: erm, well, the usual, right. Especially with a mangaka like Arai Kei who throws in the extra effort, the body volumes, the screentones, the fine visage details, that’s a lot more for the eye to enjoy than with coloured images.
Tank version: the various chapters the volume is made of were originally published in magazines, and it’s those magazine versions that were scanlated from Japanese to English, which implies lesser image quality, smaller image resolution, and usually more censorship. Fortunately, a kind soul, an ehentaier called Throwaway1245725, ported the scanlations onto the official tank scans. TL;DR: you’ll have the best possible image quality, and less censorship! \o/

There’s still plenty of censorship, but, hey, it was worse before ;)
Thanks a lot to Throwaway1245725 for the effort, to the scanlators, Noraneko, SNP, Hot Cocoa, Flammz, Desudesu, and StatisticallyNP, and whoever else was involved! :jap:

I realize I forgot to describe the manga, didn’t I? Just check the description I wrote for the full-colour version ^^

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation (206 pictures, the full colour version), Clover 1-4, HaPPY LIfe, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

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