Tag Archives | tanned

Midnight Panther [english], by Yuu Asagiri

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment

Yuu Asagiri, the mangaka, draws a lot like Clamp. (You must know Clamp, come on… Clover ? Card Captor Sakura ? Magic Knight Rayearth ?) Except that Clamp never has drawn her heroines getting fucked ;)

This is classical drawing, though explicit, the mankaka has taken his time to make it nice, with a clear distinct line.
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School Rumble doujinshi, HarimaX [English] + Harumo + a few bonus pix, by Nise Midi Doronokai

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 12 comments

If you don’t know Nisemidi Doronokai, really, you missed quite something !
Very hardcore color comics, incredibly well drawn.

(Remember to view the updated list of all Nisemidi Doronokai’s works on Hentairules)

The two comics I post here are inspired from a popular japanese anime called School Rumble, there is an english-translated one, HarimaX, and a japanese one, Harumo.
I added a few bonus pictures by the mangaka, grabbed somewhere else.

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Tsunagari Taitoh [Japanese, 176 pictures], by Zol

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 3 comments

(there are other works by Zol on my website)

Very hardcore drawings (cf. the artworks at the end of the manga !! :shock: ), very exciting positions, and a story we bloody don’t understand at all most unfortunately :D

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